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Today we celebrate alumnus Brian Correia, who recently returned home to South Florida to embark on his new role as Mployer Advisor’s Vice President of Sales. Brian Correia will drive and oversee all national sales initiatives and strategic partnerships to benefit brokers and other trusted advisors.
Brian has been in the insurance industry for nearly 20 years, most recently with two of the largest health payors in the country – Cigna Healthcare and Amazon Care – with sales and business development leadership as his core focus. Brian previously led a sales team of 26 professionals nationwide that supported the company’s triple-digit revenue growth, including a 3,000% increase in individual consumer sales within five years. An industry speaker and insurance continuing education instructor, Brian earned his master’s degree in public administration from Baruch College and undergraduate degrees from Broward College and Nova Southeastern University. He volunteers as Chair of the National Association of Dental Plans Membership WorkGroup and is a National Association of Health Underwriter's member. Brian was previously a board member with Manhattan Community Board 8 and volunteers at the Braven Foundation as a Leadership Coach for graduating college students at William Lehman College in The Bronx.
Brian says this regarding Broward College and his path:
“School always came naturally to me growing up. I enjoyed learning new subjects and thrived in almost all of them (my favorites were History and English). But I wanted to stay close to home, at least for my Associate’s program, so Broward (Community) College was my path forward after graduating High School. What I loved about BC was the flexibility that classes offered. Because I was simultaneously pursuing growth in a career while attending college, I needed the flexibility for more evening and online classes. And while most of my peers took only two years to complete their Associates, I took 6.5. It wasn’t because I failed any classes or wasn’t doing too well, but for many semesters I had to drop down to just one course due to work commitments. A Professor from BC, who was also a mentor of mine, gave me the best advice when he saw I was struggling with balancing a career and education: “Never give up and never over-commit yourself. If you can only take one course this semester, then just take one. If you can take more, then take more. But always stay enrolled and always stay engaged.” THANK YOU, BC, for helping me get through those first two years of college and for offering me the flexibility to do it - on my terms!”
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