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You, our faculty and staff, are key partners of Broward College Alumni & Friends. You are often at the frontline of student engagement, and you create and maintain connections with former students and graduates.
We welcome a partnership with you to celebrate and recognize the successes of your former students and alumni - highlighting and giving visibility to their achievements. Together, let’s show future #BCProudAlumni the impact of a Broward College education.
Download the Faculty & Staff Alumni Toolkit for resources to empower you to build enduring and mutually beneficial relationships with Broward College alumni.
At Broward College, alumni are any former students who successfully completed one course. Since its founding in 1960, over 1 million alumni have come through the College.
Broward College Alumni and Friends believes that lifelong and successful alumni engagement begins the moment that students arrive on campus or open their computers to take their first course.
Positive and nurturing experiences as students impact affinity to the College and future alumni engagement. Your role as student educators and advocates makes a profound impact on the sentiment our alumni and graduates hold towards the College.
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